Happy Mother's Day
As we approach Mother's Day I hope all the moms out there, from new to great grandma status, remember all you've accomplished. All you've contributed to the world. Some of us were not as lucky as others to have great roll models. Some lost their moms way to early. For those who've forged their own ways as a mom, pat yourself on the back. You did it without a road map. In my home I have a wall of photos I found in old scrapbooks. I framed them because I didn't want the pictures to go to waste. I didn't...
Journaling on a Cold Winter Day

Sometimes I wonder if journaling is really worth the effort. After all, no one is going to read it, and in some cases I'd prefer no one read it ever! However, I read it, and I always find it nice to go back and realize how far I've come on issues I feel never seem to be resolved. I also enjoy the wonderful memories I recorded "in present time" vs looking back. So, this bleak February day, if you have an old journal you've got stashed away somewhere, go dig it out, read your thoughts from that time and marvel...
It's Almost Super Bowl Time!
#dessert #dips #superbowlparty #texasfoods
I love the Super Bowl, not as much without my beloved Chicago Bears and Houston Texans in it, but still love the whole excuse for a party! So, we just brought in lots of great dips, sauces and jams that are easy to use and create one heck of a party. Start with the Crunchy Onion Dip from New Canaan Farms based in Dripping Springs, Texas. I'd suggest just creating the dip and surround it with your favorite potato chip. They won't leave the sofa until it's empty. Grilling for the big day? Try our new Tejas Grilling & BBQ...
The Story of the Poppy

Custom Pillows